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‘Pressure ulcers at end of life should be classified in the same way as all pressure ulcers, and not be given a separate category.’
Wounds are a common occurrence in patients with terminal illnesses, it has been estimated that approximately one third of palliative care patients will experience a pressure ulcer. Pressure wounds are seen most often in elderly and terminally ill patients as a result skin failure — a naturally occurring process commonly associated with terminal illness wherein the skin begins to break down and die. At the end of life multiple risk factors can lead to pressure ulcers. The prevention and management of pressure ulcers at the end of life must also be balanced alongside the patients preferences presenting ethical dilemmas such as when prevention and active management should stop in the last days of life. This national conference focuses on the reduction and management of pressure ulcers at the end of life, from risk assessment to controlling pain and discomfort in the last days of life.
This event will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to improve pressure ulcer management at the end of life
- Learn from outstanding practice in prevention of pressure ulcers at the end of life
- Reflect on national developments and learning
- Understand the implications of and Implement the 2018 Revised Recommendations for Pressure Ulcers in End of Life Care
- Develop your skills in the management of pressure ulcers, and reducing pain and discomfort at the end of life for patients with pressure ulcers
- Learn from case studies in managing pressure ulcers at the end of life in hospitals, at home and in hospices
- Understand how to effectively manage oncology pressure ulcers and malignant and fungating wounds
- Learn how to prevent pressure ulcers in non-cancer end of life patients with a case study in end of life care for dementia
- Identify key strategies for managing ethical dilemmas with regard to refusal of treatment and when active treatment and management should stop
- Understand how to optimize nutrition and hydration to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers at the end of life
- Develop your skills in root cause analysis and learning from pressure ulcers
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence
PLUS: There will be an opportunity to hear from Medstrom Healthcare in the pre-conference supplier showcase session.
100% of delegates at our previous conference on this subject would recommend it to a colleague