Pressure Ulcers: Monitoring, Reporting & Improvement

This Conference is now Closed

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“Pressure ulcers are a key indicator of the quality and experience of patient care. Despite progress since 2012 in the management of pressure ulcers they remain a significant healthcare problem, with over 1,300 new ulcers reported each month with up to 200,000 people developing a new pressure ulcer in 2017/18. Treating pressure ulcers costs the NHS more than £1.4 million every day (Guest et al 2017).We know that many pressure ulcers are preventable, so when they do occur they can have a profound impact on the overall wellbeing of patients and can be both painful and debilitating. Preventing them will improve care for all vulnerable patients.”

NHS Improvement November 2018

“A plan and a communications strategy have been developed to support implementation of the recommendations in practice and, it is hoped, start standardising how pressure ulcers are defined, measured and reported. National roll-out is planned to start in April 2019”

Jacqui Fletcher is senior clinical nurse advisor; Jennie Hall is programme director/strategic nurse adviser; both at Stop the Pressure, NHS Improvement, Nursing Times 2018

“We anticipate that full implementation will improve understanding of the level of pressure damage harm”

Ruth May Executive Director of Nursing, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer and National Director for Infection Prevention and Control, NHS Improvement June 2018

This conference will enable you to:

  • Network with colleagues who are working to improve the measurement, reporting and reduction of pressure ulcers and harm from pressure ulcers
  • Understand the implications of the 2018 guidance in terms of local monitoring, reporting and improvement
  • Learn from outstanding practice in pressure ulcer reporting
  • Reflect on national developments to improve standardization and consistency
  • Look forward to the National Pressure Ulcer Audit Tool
  • Improve the way you view pressure ulcers – eliminating the focus on avoidability
  • Understand the implications of the 2018 recommendations in end of life care, medical device related pressure ulcers and pressure ulcers on admission
  • Understand how you can reduce pressure ulcers and harm from pressure ulcers
  • Learn from case studies of reduction, management and reporting of pressure ulcers in critical care, end of life care, care homes, cancer care and pressure ulcers related to medical devices
  • Ensure you are up to date with the latest evidence and definitions
  • Self assess and reflect on your own practice
  • Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence

100% of delegates at our previous conference on this subject would recommend it to a colleague

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

Exhibition & Sponsorship Packages

This conference offers a valuable opportunity for industry suppliers to personally meet with their target audience where they will have time to talk and demonstrate the benefits of their products. High quality specialist audiences make having a presence at our events a highly targeted and cost effective marketing channel.

Why Exhibit?

Having a presence at this event will give you the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate your product, system or service
  • Network and engage with your key audience  
  • Generate new business leads
  • Gain exposure for your brand and raise the profile of your organisation
  • Understand the current needs of your audience and challenges they’re facing
  • Update your knowledge of national policy and local developments  


Contact Carolyn Goodbody for exhibition and sponsorship prices, or to discuss a tailored package to suit your needs and budget.

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