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The Masterclass will present the Hope for Children and Families (HfCF) modular approach, and two guides, to develop core therapeutic skills to promote positive parenting, and to work with parents to understand the developmental stages, and meet the needs of children and young people throughout the lifespan. The material provides step by step approaches to deliver an evidence-based intervention can be delivered by newly qualified practitioners, and support staff, and can provide guidance for experienced practioners.
*Free guides supplied as part of this masterclass*
Promoting Positive Parenting & Promoting Children and Young People’s Development and Well-being’
Key Learning Objectives:
- To understand the ways in which exposure to stressful and traumatic events, such as Covid-19, can give rise to overlapping co-morbid mental health responses, i.e. combinations of anxiety, depression, trauma and disruptive behaviour rather than single forms
- To discuss the development of Trauma Informed Practice – and the recognition of and the need to adapt practice. A key component is based on the finding that children and young people’s recovery is enhanced through a focus on Positive Parenting, and Parenting which understands the development, and needs of children and Young People
- To understand the way in which the Hope for Children and Families Intervention Resources modular approach is based on identified common therapeutic procedures and then integrated to construct a set of resources for use when delivering effective interventions
- To gain knowledge about the structure and content of the two intervention guides
- Promoting Positive parenting includes understanding the origins of challenging and disruptive responses, how they connect with the family, caregiver(s), developmental and behavioural responses. The use of Praise and positive attention, attention and ignoring effective instructions Shaping challenging behaviour reward systems consequences and sanctions
- Helping parents promote their children and young people’s health and development, Developing a capacity to identify and understand children’s physical and emotional needs, Promoting early and later development, Ensuring safety and preventing harm, Providing good quality basic care good Nutritional care: address weight faltering and failure to thrive
Facilitated by Dr Arnon Bentovim, Director, Child and Family Training UK, Visiting Professor, Royal Holloway, University of London, and formerly a Consultant at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and the Tavistock Clinic and Carol Jolliffe, Director of Child and Family Training UK