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The publication of the New Patient Safety Incident Response Framework in August 2022 has shifted the focus towards identifying and investigating patient safety incidents and events that have the greatest potential to lead to learning and improvement.
This conference focuses on Patient Safety Learning – maximising learning and improvement from patient safety insight and events.
The conference will support you to identify incidents and insight that has the greatest potential for improvement and use a range of system-based approaches for learning from patient safety incidents. The conference will also update delegates on the new Learn from patient safety events (LFPSE) service and how local incident reporting will adapt to this new system. The roles and competencies of the Learning Response Lead, and the practicalities of involving and engaging with patients to deliver continuous improvement will also be discussed. Finally the conference will share examples of Safety Actions & After Action Reviews which is recommended under the new framework.
PSIRF fundamentally shifts how the NHS responds to patient safety incidents for learning and improvement.
An organisation’s patient safety incident response plan should specify the methods it intends to use to maximise learning and improvement and how these will be applied to different patient safety incidents.
Oversight under PSIRF will focus on engagement and empowerment to strengthen response system functioning and promote a culture of improvement.
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to improve the learning from Patient Safety Insight and Events
- Update your knowledge on the New Patient Safety Incident Response Framework published in August 2022
- Ensure your approach to learning is in line with PSIRF
- Understand the new roles of Patient Safety Partner, Patient Safety Specialist and Learning Response Lead
- Identifying and prioritise incidents that have the greatest potential for learning
- Explore the requirements and value of the Learn from patient safety events (LFPSE) service
- Reflect on the perspectives of a patient who has been engaged as a patient safety partner, and understand how to engaging and involving patients, families and staff can lead to improvement
- Understand behaviours, decisions and actions that allow continuous learning and improvement
- Develop practical approaches to better aligning the work of patient safety and quality improvement teams
- Understand how to work with staff to ensure a focus on learning and continuous improvement
- Develop your skills in Leading Patient Safety Improvement and techniques for ensuring a system-based approach to learning
- Identify key strategies for delivering Safety Actions & After Action Reviews: Delivering, accountability and monitoring
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes