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This conference will focus on measuring, understanding and acting on patient experience insight, and demonstrating responsiveness to that insight to ensure Patient Feedback is translated into quality improvement and assurance. Through national updates and case study presentations the conference will support you to measure, monitor and improve patient experience in your service, and ensure that insight leads to quality improvement. Sessions will include learning from patients, improving patient experience, practical sessions focusing on delivering a patient experience based culture, measuring patient experience, using the NHS Improvement National Patient Experience Improvement Framework, demonstrating insight and responsiveness in real time, monitoring and improving staff experience, the role of human factors in improving quality, using patient experience to drive improvement, changing the way we think about patient experience, and learning from excellence in patient experience practice.
Patient experience across England, as measured by PEP Health, has fluctuated significantly since 2018, with COVID-19 unsurprisingly having a large impact. It improved for each of the three categories analysed (overall quality, UEC and maternity) shortly after the introduction of the first COVID lockdown in early 2020. It then decreased from mid-2021, particularly for UEC; and it is now below pre-COVID levels.
Patient Experience experts are spending a lot of their time collecting feedback – we need to think about how we can spend more time on doing something about the feedback.
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to monitor and improve patient experience
- Learn from outstanding practice in developing systems to improve patient experience as a result of patient experience insight
- Reflect on a patient perspective
- Understand how patient experience measurement needs to adapt during the pandemic
- Ensuring patient experience feedback leads to changes in practice
- Learn how to use the National Patient Experience Improvement Framework in practice
- Understand the national context for patient experience
- Develop strategies for measuring and improving staff experience
- Understand how to work with staff to act on patient experience feedback in real time
- Reflect on the developing role of Patient Safety Partners
- Use a Human Factors approach to deliver change and improvement based on patient experience insight
- Identify key strategies for developing a patient experience culture
- Develop your role demonstrating insight and responsiveness
- Self assess and expand your skills in analysing patients experience data
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes
100% of delegates at our last Patient Experience Insight Conference would recommend the event to a colleague.