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This important national conference provides an essential update for current and aspiring nurse prescribers in paediatrics and child health.
Through national updates and practical case studies delegates will hear how to develop and maintain prescribing competence, meeting the NMC revalidation requirements for prescribing and medicines management, and how to develop effectiveness in post qualification practice. The conference will look at current issues and challenges for nurse prescribers in paediatrics and child health. The conference will include an extended session focusing on maintaining and demonstrating prescribing competence using the National Framework for Prescribing, developing confidence in prescribing practice and maintaining safety. Practical interactive sessions will focus on nurse prescribing for pain, and case studies in the Paediatric Emergency Department, Critical Care and in the Community. The conference will close with a session focusing on demonstrating improvement in patient outcomes and evaluating your prescribing practice.
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to improving nurse prescribing in paediatrics and child health
- Learn from outstanding practice in ensuring patient safety in paediatric prescribing
- Reflect on Pain management in the children and some of its many facets through case presentation
- Learn how to use revised National Prescribing Competency Framework
- Understand how to effectively develop, demonstrate and maintain continued competence in Prescribing for Children
- Develop your skills in advanced practice
- Explore best practice with examples from Paediatric Emergency Care, Critical Care and Children with Complex and Chronic Health Needs
- Reflect on lessons from experts in nurse prescribing for specific case study areas with in depth interactive sessions
- Develop your role and confidence as a nurse prescriber
- Understanding issues around medicines not specifically licenced for paediatric use
- Self assess, reflect and expand your skills in prescribing practice whilst understanding your limits of practice
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes