NHS Complaints Summit 2021

This Conference is now Closed

The next Complaints conference is taking place on Wednesday 18th August 2021

Delivering a person-centred approach to the handling, investigation, resolution and learning from Complaints in the NHS

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Find out more about virtual attendance

This National Virtual Summit focuses on delivering a person-centred approach to complaints handling, investigation, resolution and learning. Through national updates, practical case studies and in depth expert sessions the conference aims to improve the effectiveness of complaints handling within your service, and ensure that complaints lead to change and improvements in patient care. The conference will reflect on managing complaints regarding Covid-19 – understanding the standards of care by which the NHS should be judged in a pandemic and in particular responding to complaints regarding  nosocomial transmission of Covid-19 and  delayed treatment due to the pandemic.

The conference will also update delegates on the The NHS Complaints Standard, which was published by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman on 30th March 2021. 

“The NHS Complaint Standards set out how organisations providing NHS services should approach complaint handling. They apply to NHS organisations in England and independent healthcare providers who deliver NHS-funded care… The Standards aim to support organisations in providing a quicker, simpler and more streamlined complaint handling service, with a strong focus on early resolution by empowered and well-trained staff. They also place a strong emphasis on senior leaders regularly reviewing what learning can be taken from complaints, and how this learning should be used to improve services… The Standards are being tested in pilot sites in 2021 and will be refined and introduced across the NHS in 2022.”

PHSO March 2021

“Good complaint handling provides a direct and positive connection between those who provide services and the people who use them. Complaints offer a rich source of learning to help improve services for everyone.”

PHSO March 2021

“The coronavirus pandemic is affecting the type and number of complaints people are bringing to us.”

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman 2021 

“The Cumberlege review highlights the devastating consequences of failing to listen to patients’ concerns. The research we publish today strongly suggests that the current complaints system is not meeting the needs of either the public or the staff that work in it. ‘We need to act now. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, compassionate and consistent complaint handling is needed more than ever”

Rob Behrens Ombudsman July 2020

This conference will enable you to:
• Network with colleagues who are working to improve complaints handling
• Understand how to manage complaints regarding Covid-19 including nonsocomial transmission and delays to treatment 
• Reflect on the perspective of a complainant who has been through the system to understand what person centred really means in practice
• Update your knowledge on the 2021 Complaints Standard Framework for the NHS and how it will change complaints handling 
• Reflect on the challenges of Covid-19 for complaints handling 
• Learn how to bring kindness and compassion into complaints management, investigation, responses and learning
• Understand what the PHSO looks for in a good complaint response
• Improve the way complaints and investigations involving serious incidents are handled
• Develop your skills in complex complaints handling including disputes, vexatious complainants and complaints across organisations 
• Understand how you can improve frontline resolution of complaints in real time
• Develop your skills in de-escalation and conflict and dispute resolution
• Support staff through the complaints process including inquests 
• Identify key strategies for ensuring change occurs as a result of complaints
• Understand what an excellent complaints response looks like
• Ensure you are up to date with the latest legal issues including ensuring adherence to the duty of candour
• Self assess, reflect and expand your skills in complaints handling

Exhibition & Sponsorship Packages

This conference offers a valuable opportunity for industry suppliers to personally meet with their target audience where they will have time to talk and demonstrate the benefits of their products. High quality specialist audiences make having a presence at our events a highly targeted and cost effective marketing channel.

Why Exhibit?

Having a presence at this event will give you the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate your product, system or service
  • Network and engage with your key audience  
  • Generate new business leads
  • Gain exposure for your brand and raise the profile of your organisation
  • Understand the current needs of your audience and challenges they’re facing
  • Update your knowledge of national policy and local developments  


Contact Carolyn Goodbody for exhibition and sponsorship prices, or to discuss a tailored package to suit your needs and budget.

Also of Interest

Supporting Organisations

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