NHS Pension & the McCloud Judgement Changes - Free to Attend

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One hour free webinar - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM BST

Wesleyan are pleased to offer a series of short virtual webinars offering financial advice and support for whatever stage you’re at in life to help you plan for the future. With specialist experience of the health profession Wesleyan understand your career stages and can advise on savings and investments, the NHS pension scheme, and retirement

This Free to Attend webinar is designed for medical professionals to improve your understanding of the NHS Pension and Pension Age Discrimination (sometimes referred to as the McCloud judgment) and how this could impact your future. It will be hosted by a Wesleyan Specialist Financial Advisor.

Key areas covered in the webinar will include:

NHS Pension:

  • The variety of options available to you NHS Pension Scheme considerations and in particular, the impact of retiring early
  • Tax implications and associated points
  • How you begin planning for your own retirement and the key considerations to secure your financial future

McCloud Judgement:

  • Background to the webinar
  • Who is affected
  • What is being proposed
  • Our approach
  • Planning ahead
  • Take away points
  • Next steps

You will also have the opportunity to ask questions, plus request a no-obligation financial review with a Wesleyan Specialist Financial Advisor.

Please note: This event will close for bookings 24 hours before it is due to take place. 

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