Masterclass: Introducing Criteria Led Patient Discharge from Hospital

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This masterclass will enable participants to gain a deeper understanding of the evidence surrounding Criteria Led Discharge and support them to tackle the complexities of implementing change, leading to new patient discharge practice.

Improving patient flow, in the context of unrelenting workforce pressures, through emergency and urgent care is an NHS and government priority with many improvement strategies to support this, such as Red to Green, Trusted Assessors and SAFER bundle. Criteria Led Discharge (CLD) is integral approach delivering these strategies. CLD has been described as a process where the clinical parameters for patient discharge are clearly defined using individualized criteria. Once patients meet the criteria a competent member of hospital team can manage their discharge from hospital. If CLD is to be operationalised in acute settings and risks minimised, an approach that facilitates individualisation but ensures patient safety, might contribute to improvements such as timely discharge and accelerated patient flow.

“From the outset of a patient’s admission, the multidisciplinary team leading their care, plus the patient, their family and carers, all need to have a clear expectation of what is going to happen during their stay. Reducing unnecessary patient waiting should be a priority for all teams, with a patient’s time being viewed as the most important currency in healthcare… The first consultant contact may be the most appropriate time to set the Clinical Criteria for Discharge (CCD) and Expected Date of Discharge (EDD). However, this should be set no later than the first consultant post-take ward round the next morning.The CCD is the minimum physiological, therapeutic and functional status a patient needs to achieve before discharge.”

NHS England August 2019

“Criteria-led discharge should be considered as one of the improvement initiatives that contribute to releasing capacity through more streamlined patient discharge.”

NHS Improvement

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Knowledge: To share the latest evidence regarding Patient Assessment for Discharge, Criteria Led Discharge and National Policy.  
  • Knowledge: To identify the patient/organisational outcomes of introducing Criteria Led Discharge. 
  • Skills: To identify the skills required by the workforce.
  • Skills: To enable participants to systematically review the discharge process, to aid the identification of key actions leading to the safe, effective implementation of Criteria Led Discharge.
  • Attitudes: To identify the barriers and facilitators regarding the implementation of Criteria Led Discharge and suggest resolutions in your organisation. 

Facilitated by:

Dr Liz Lees-Deutsch

Associate Professor for Nursing
University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire and Coventry University

Nurse Facilitated Discharge is also available as an In House Masterclass

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

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