Law at the End of Life: Getting Decision Making Right

This Conference is now Closed

“A new report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found worrying variation in people’s experiences of do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions during the pandemic. While there were some examples of good practice, CQC also heard from people who were not properly involved in decisions, or were unaware that such an important decision about their care had been made.”  Read the full report here

Care Quality Commission 18th March 2021. 

The Covid-19 pandemic has shed light upon the critical importance of ensuring that decisions relating to care and treatment decisions towards the end of life are made by practitioners who are confident and correct in their understanding of the legal framework.

Faciltated by Alex Ruck Keene Barrister 39 Essex Chambers Writer and Educator, the one day CPD masterclass will address the key issues that arise in the context of the law of England & Wales in relation to decision-making towards the end of life. We will cover such matters as assessing and recording capacity and best interests in the context of life-sustaining medical treatment, advance care planning, getting DNACPR decision-making right, when it is necessary to consider going to court, and when questions of deprivation of liberty might arise.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding of the overarching legal framework within which decisions are made
  • Understanding of the statutory provisions and the key cases concerning capacity, best interests, and DNACPR decision-making
  • Understanding and supporting advance care planning and advance decision-making
  • Understanding of the application of the concept of deprivation of liberty in end of life context (including the forthcoming Liberty Protection Safeguards)
  • Defensible decision-making under resource pressure
  • Resolving disagreements
  • When to go to court

Facilitated by:

Alex Ruck Keene

Barrister, 39 Essex Chambers, Writer and Educator

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

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