Falls Prevention Summit 2023: Reducing Inpatient Falls & Harm from Inpatient Falls

This Conference is now Closed

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This national falls summit focuses on reducing inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls. Through national updates, practical case studies and learning from the National Audit of Inpatient Falls report. The conference will provide a step by step guide to implementing the multiple interventions that have been proven to reduce falls in your service. The conference will also focus on Gaining Insight from Inpatient Falls (GIIF) and linking with the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework.

There is only one chance to get things right – most (80%) femoral fractures occur on the first inpatient fall.

National Audit of Inpatient Falls, November 2022

Falls and fractures in older people are often preventable. Reducing falls and fractures is important for maintaining the health, wellbeing and independence of older people.

Falls: applying All Our Health, Public Health England

Benefits of attending. This conference will enable you to:

  • Network with colleagues who are working to reduce inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls
  • Understand the national context and learning from the National Audit of Inpatient Falls 
  • Explore the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) in relation to falls and Gaining insight from Inpatient Falls (GIIF)
  • Improve care for patients by reducing inpatient falls, and harm from inpatient falls in your service
  • Reduce falls in older people presenting with frailty
  • Understand why patients who suffer fractures as a result of inpatient falls experience comparatively longer delays to hip fracture care: improving post-fall management
  • Learn from trusts who have developed multifaceted inpatient falls prevention programmes that work
  • Improve immediate post falls care and management
  • Understand how you can reduce harm from inpatient falls particularly focusing on inpatient hip fracture
  • Improve Multi Factorial Risk Assessment ensuring all components are covered 
  • Improving practice in the identification and management of people at risk of falls at ward level
  • Reflect on case studies to reduce related to medication related falls including hypotension induced by medication, and reducing falls resulting from delirium
  • Self assess and reflect on your own practice
  • Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes

Chair & Speakers Include:

Prof Cameron Swift

Emeritus Professor, Consultant Physician, Kings School of Medicine, Chair, NICE Guideline Development Group for Hip Fracture (CG124), Lead/specialist Participation Quality Standard Development, Member, NHFD Advisory Committee

Dr Julie Whitney

Clinical Lead, National Audit of Inpatient Falls; and Physiotherapist & NIHR Clinical Lecturer, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Carrie Tyler

Falls Clinical Nurse Specialist
Mid & South Essex Trust

Dr Louis Koizia

Consultant Geriatrician
Imperial College NHS Trust

Supporting Organisations

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