THURSDAY 16 FEB 2023 7:00PM - 8:00PM GMT - Free to Attend
Estate planning made simple
In conjunction with Wesleyan Financial Service we would like to invite you to one of their free webinars, designed to improve your understanding of the key issues around estate planning and Inheritance Tax.
Key areas covered include:
• What is an estate planning strategy?
• What could happen?
• What is Inheritance Tax ?
• What are your options?
• What else should be considered?
• Next steps
The webinar will last around 30 to 45 minutes and there will be also be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and arrange a follow up no obligation financial review, should you wish to discuss your personal circumstances in more depth.
Wesleyan Financial Services will only use the information provided to contact you in relation to this specific webinar.
Inheritance Tax planning is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Free to the NHS on a first, come first served basis.