Improving Front Door Responses, 24/7 Rapid Response Services & Alternatives to Hospital
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As NHS Trusts struggle to cope with the demand that the COVID-19 pandemic has put on services and patients, this timely conference will give you the guidance to reduce unnecessary hospital admissions through effective management, rapid response services and provision of alternatives to hospital especially for older people with frailty who would may be better placed being treated in their own homes reducing the impact of deconditioning and long hospital stays.
“The NHS will reduce pressure on emergency hospital services. Boosting ‘out-of-hospital’ care in the way set out above makes sense in its own right. But there are also very substantial pressures across the NHS in looking after emergency patients. Over the past five years, on a like-for-like-basis, a patient’s chance of having to be admitted to hospital as an emergency has fallen by 12%.. within five years all parts of the country will be expected to have improved the responsiveness of community health crisis response services to deliver the services within two hours of referral in line with NICE guidelines, where clinically judged to be appropriate.”
NHS Long Term Plan 2019
The NHS Long Term Plan includes a “new NHS offer of urgent community response and recovery support: investing in and enhancing existing rapid community response teams, to prevent unnecessary emergency hospital admissions and speed up discharges – importantly receiving services within two hours in a crisis and a two-day referral for reablement care, and to improve access via a single point of access for people requiring urgent care in the community.”
The Long Term Plan for out of hospital care 2019
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions
- Reflect on national developments and learning
- Improve the way patients are managed at the front door of the hospital: effective assessment and alternatives to hospital
- Developing and understanding admission and exclusion criteria
- Reflect on the development of Virtual Hospitals and their role in supporting people to stay out of hospital
- Learn from case studies in falls, older people, mental health, care homes and ambulance services
- Identify key strategies for improvement and monitoring
- Ensure you are up to date with the latest practice in ensuring patients are treated in the right place at the right time
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence