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“Falls and fractures in older people are a costly and often preventable health issue. Reducing falls and fractures is important for maintaining health, wellbeing and independence amongst older people.”
“We will work on falls and fracture prevention, where we know that a 50% improvement in the delivery of evidence-based care could deliver £100 million in savings.........Integrated primary and community teams will work with people to maintain their independence: for example, 30% of people aged 65 and over, and 50% of those aged 80 and over, are likely to fall at least once a year . Falls prevention schemes, including exercise classes and strength and balance training, can significantly reduce the likelihood of falls and are cost effective in reducing admissions to hospital.”
This conference focuses on falls prevention and management in older people, reducing falls and harm from falls. Sessions throughout the day will focus on developing effective personalised multidisciplinary assessment, reducing harm from falls and improving secondary prevention. The conference will also discuss key elements in the reduction of falls in your service including underlying health issues, developing personalized falls prevention care plans, frailty as falls, falls prevention, and improving the systems for falls monitoring, investigation and learning. The conference will have an extended case study focus on rapid response falls services, providing intervention in the patients home and avoiding hospital admission.
Benefits of attending:
• Network with colleagues who are working to improving falls prevention and management in older people
• Understand the national context including the National Quality Standard and increased focus on rapid response to falls
• Develop your skills and improve competence in falls prevention and management
• Understand how you can better involve patients in falls prevention
• Reflect on the patient experience of falls
• Improve your skills in the development of falls prevention and exercise programmes
• Examine your role within falls prevention and management
• Learn from established in the development of multidisciplinary assessment, post fall protocols and falls prevention
• Improve secondary prevention of falls through the integration of falls management & fracture liaison services
• Understand the practicalities of setting up and running a rapid response falls service
• Learn from best practice in dementia, delirium and falls prevention
• Update your knowledge on national developments in reducing deconditioning
• Self assess and reflect on your own practice
• Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence
PLUS: There will be an opportunity to hear from Medstrom Healthcare in the pre-conference supplier showcase session.