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The end of life care update quality standard (QS13) was published by NICE in September 2021. This conference will focus on implementing the updated Quality Standard in practice and delivering high quality end of life care during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The revised Quality Statements are:
Statement 1: Adults who are likely to be approaching the end of their life are identified using a systematic approach. [2011, updated 2021]
Statement 2: Adults approaching the end of their life have opportunities to discuss advance care planning. [new 2021]
Statement 3: Adults approaching the end of their life receive care that is coordinated between health and social care practitioners within and across different services and organisations. [2011, updated 2021]
Statement 4 :Adults approaching the end of their life and their carers have access to support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. [2011, updated 2021]
Statement 5: Carers providing end of life care to people at home are supported to access local services that can provide assistance. [new 2021]
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with those working to improve end of life care
- Reflect on the lived experience of a person with a terminal illness during Covid-19
- Understand the 2021 updates to the National Quality Standard on End of Life Care
- Monitor progress and adherence against the individual Quality Statements and the implications and challenges of Covid-19
- Ensuring best practice in advance care planning
- Improving out of hours care and 24/7 support
- Supporting people and carers dying at home during Covid-19
- Improving communication skills and competence in dealing with distressing conversations at the end of life
- Explore latest evidence in predicting and recognising last days of life and managing uncertainty- and how we identify people at the end of life systematically
- Improve communication with people at the end of life including managing distressing and difficult conversations
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes