Beat (Beat Eating Disorders National Charity) believe approximately 1.25 million people in the UK have an eating disorder. Around 25% of those affected by an eating disorder are male.
“Eating disorders are serious, life-threatening conditions with some of the highest mortality rates of any mental health disorder. Early intervention is vital and we recognise how important it is that everyone with an eating disorder can access quick, specialist help when necessary. Improving eating disorder services is a key priority for the government and a fundamental part of our commitment to improve mental health services.”
UK Government August 2019
This one day masterclass will provide you with an overall understanding of the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and overall management of the eating disorders you are likely to see in practice.
Designed specifically to provide you with an overview of the range of eating disorders commonly seen, this one day masterclass will help you explore the key questions:
- How do I know if someone has an eating disorder?
- What are the features of the different types of eating disorders?
- Why does someone get an eating disorder and why is it so hard to treat?
- What are the signs, symptoms, and risks of eating disorders?
- How do I diagnose and treat a patient with an eating disorder?
- What are the medical risks associated with eating disorders?
- How do I treat the extremely physically unwell patient in hospital?
- How do I treat these patients in a primary care setting if the patient is not engaging with specialist services?
- What are the current national guidelines for eating disorders?
- How do I assess capacity in eating disorder patients? What about treatment under the Mental Health Act, or Mental Capacity Act?
- What help and resources are available for someone with an eating disorder?
You will leave the day with more confidence and skills in managing this complex and risky group of patients, including how to help their families.
This masterclass will enable you to:
- Gain a better understanding and knowledge base of eating disorders
- Increase confidence in assessment, treatment and overall multidisciplinary management of eating disorders
- Achieve a solid knowledge base around the physical risks of eating disorders, and how these are best managed.
- Understand the national guidelines and treatment protocols for treatment of severe eating disorders
- Understand the issues around capacity, and use of the mental health act and mental capacity act, when treating patients with eating disorders
- Improve knowledge of resources and help available to people with eating disorders
- Overview of new MEED (Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders) guidance
- How to help loved ones of those suffering with eating disorders
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes
Facilitated by: Dr Matthew Cahill is a Consultant Psychiatrist who works full time for the Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Eating Disorder Service. He leads three community clinics and a fourteen bedded eating disorder inpatient unit in the Wirral, covering a population of four million. He is a member of the regional MARSPIAN (Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa) group and an elected member of the Royal College Of Psychiatrists Faculty of Eating Disorders Executive Committee. He is the Academic Secretary for this Faculty. He is also an Honorary Lecturer at Liverpool University.
He has been treating patients with eating disorders for over eight years, and within that time has developed and facilitated training workshops for a range of health professionals and public sector workers.
He treats patients with a range of eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorders amongst others. He works in a multidisciplinary approach, sharing skills with dietitians, psychologists, eating disorder practitioners and occupational therapists. He works closely with families and carers of those with eating disorders.
He understands how devastating these disorders can be for the individual, those close to them, and clinicians involved with their care, and he is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience to help anyone manage these complex illnesses.