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This National Quality Summit focuses on driving improvement in meeting and measuring progress against the CQC Quality Ratings. The conference aims to bring together clinicians and managers leading on quality improvement to understand current issues and the national context, and to debate and discuss key issues and areas they are facing in practice in meeting the CQC Quality Ratings. Through case studies from organisations that have been rated outstanding and extended interactive sessions the event will support you to both measure, monitor and meet the standards, and develop the leadership skills and culture to ensure continuous quality improvement. The conference will also look at future developments including how the CQC’s trust-level quality ratings (ie safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led) will combine with NHS Improvement’s Use of Resources rating to produce an overall trust-level rating, and how to measure quality across services and organisations.
“We are pleased that the majority of people in England continue to receive care that is good or outstanding. At the same time, it is clear that too many people received a quality of care that is not good enough…Almost a third of NHS acute core services was rated as requires improvement and three in 100 were rated as inadequate.” State of Care, Care Quality Commission October 2018
“During 2017/18, the majority of NHS acute hospitals have continued to provide a good quality of care, with 60% of core services rated as good and 6% rated as outstanding at 31 July 2018, compared with 55% and 6% respectively last year. However, the quality of care people experience is still variable, with 31% of core services rated as requires improvement and 3% rated as inadequate.” State of Care, Care Quality Commission October 2018
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to measure, monitor and improve quality
- Understand the implications of national and CQC developments
- Reflect on the perspectives of organisations which the CQC has rated as outstanding
- Learn from outstanding practice in the measurement and surveillance of quality
- Reflect on how you can translate the CQC Quality Ratings into improving frontline services
- Understand how to work with staff to drive continuous quality improvement and reduce variation
- Receive practical advice on driving improvement in the CQC Safe Rating: which is the area that is of most concern to the CQC and has received the fewest outstanding results
- Identify key strategies for changing the way we think about patient involvement and participation in quality improvement
- Self-assess and expand your skills in quality improvement leadership
- Understand how to measure and improve quality across services and organisations
- Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence
Networking Group: Share your experiences and challenges preparing for CQC inspection and delivering Outstanding Care by joining the Achieving CQC Outstanding Networking group for clinicians and managers driving quality improvement.