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This practical workshop, facilitated by Barry Moult, a former Head of Information Governance for an NHS Trust, and his colleague Andrew Harvey, aims to guide Information Governance professionals and others responsible for assertions, as well as auditors, by outlining what can be done to complete the assessment in a practical real-world environment. It also looks at how it will be audited, aligning all areas covered to open discussion on both the key legislative and regulatory requirements upon which it is built and true life scenarios.
In 2018 the Data Security Protection Toolkit (DSPT) replaced the former Information Governance Toolkit that had been in place, in various guises, for 15 years. This brought with it a whole new set of Requirements to complete (now called Assertions), and a whole new and confusing audit regime. In its first year of existence it was unclear how the DSPT should be audited, as no guidance was in place. Many organisations and staff responsible for completion of the DSPT struggle either because of the complexity, or just being new to the DSPT.
The Data Security and Protection Toolkit is an online self-assessment tool that all organisations must use if they have access to NHS patient data and systems. The Data Security and Protection Toolkit replaces the previous Information Governance toolkit from April 2018. The Data Security and Protection Toolkit is an online self-assessment tool that enables organisations to measure and publish their performance against the National Data Guardian’s ten data security standards.
Since 2018 all health and social care organisations providing NHS work have been required to complete Data Security and Protection Toolkit to demonstrate compliance to the National Data Guardian’s ten Data Security Standards, the updated healthcare standard for Information Governance compliance. This course provides practical and pragmatic advice and guidance on how to do that, through the lens that an auditor may use to assess organisations’ compliance with the standard.
Completing this course will make the DSPT annual assessment an easier task for all involved, providing delegates confidence to give assurance to their Senior Management around Data Protection compliance. Heads of Information Governance, Information Governance Leads, Information Governance Managers, Information Governance Officers, GP Practice Managers, Apprentices working in Information Governance, all staff responsible for completion of the DSPT in Health & Social Care and Auditors providing DSPT internal audits to health and social care services should attend this masterclass.