Find out more about virtual attendence
As the price of simply powering your home, filling up the car and paying for the weekly food shop have soared beyond comprehension, have you thought about how to minimise the financial impact on your household or business?
Join Wesleyan Financial Services' Alec Collie, with Peter Moss and Ian Biddle as they discuss these complex questions and take the first step to putting a plan together to protect your future.
This session will cover key areas such as:
- The real effect of inflation.
- Are we heading towards a recession?
- Is now a good time to buy a property?
- Should I alter my savings and investment strategy?
- Does this impact my NHS pension, and can I still retire when I want?
- What you can do to survive the crisis.
We are here to help
The webinar will last around 1 hour, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions. You can then arrange a follow-up no obligation financial review with one of our Specialist Financial Advisers, should you wish to discuss your personal circumstances in more depth. CPD certificates can also be supplied, if required.
Please note: This event will close for bookings 24 hours before it is due to take place.