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We are pleased to announce the Caldicott Principles, Information Sharing and GDPR virtual conference. Following the success of our previous Caldicott Guardian National Conferences, and feedback from our regular Caldicott Training Masterclasses, this conference will focus on developing your role applying the Caldicott Principles to improve communication and information sharing whilst ensuring patient confidentiality under GDPR.
Through national updates, expert led extended interactive sessions and practical case studies the conference will support you to improve information sharing practice in your service.
“Its not only about what you can do legally but what you should be doing morally and ethically. Many IG experts do not understand that there is an ethical side to this... sometimes its right to breach the law if it’s the right thing to do”
Dawn Monaghan Head of Data Sharing and Privacy NHS England
“The health sector handles some of the most sensitive personal data, and patients have the right to expect that information will be looked after.”
Information Commissioners Office
This conference will enable you to:
- Reflect on the importance of information sharing
- Network with fellow Caldicott Guardians, IG Leads, Clinicians and Managers working to ensure adherence to Caldicott principles and compliance with GDPR
- Understand and reflect on decision making around information sharing
- Update your knowledge on ethical decision making principles and frameworks and how you can implement these in decision making practice
- Move beyond baseline compliance with GDPR- developing accountability with a real evidenced understanding of the risks to individuals in the way data is processed and how those risks should be mitigated
- Understand when information can be shared with relatives, other professionals and services, and when it cannot
- Learn from established practice in the delivery of Caldicott Principles
- Improve the way decisions are made around data sharing
- Understand the legal and ethical implications around information sharing and the Duty of Candour
- Learn from case studies to drive improvement
- Reflect on national developments and learning from health and social care data breaches
- Understand the implications of Information Sharing for Safeguarding and Domestic Violence and Working in partnership with the police
- Explore examples of secondary use of data for audit, quality improvement and research
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence