We are pleased to offer this masterclass as a virtual online course; find out more about our Virtual Training.
This one day masterclass, facilitated by Christina Fairhead, The Athena Programme will enable those that lead and assist in identifying the legal framework that is required whilst carrying out enquiries in adult safeguarding.
The course will give a detailed overview of how to ensure service users fully participate in the safeguarding process as well as embedding the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal. The course will cover how to use a range of techniques to identify and preserve evidence.
The focus of the course is set within the legal frameworks of safeguarding adults of compliance and the most up to date legislation; the NHS Intercollegiate Documents for roles and competencies; Section 11 duties Children Act; Section 6 duties under The Care Act 2014; and the Health and Social Care Act 2012. It will also convey practice methods and models for using open ended appropriate questions to obtain best evidence. It will explore the effects on the enquiry if misleading questions are used within the safeguarding process.
Key Learning Objectives
- Describe the legal and other frameworks surrounding Safeguarding Adults.
- Outline joint and organisational roles and responsibilities for ongoing/further enquiries about safeguarding concerns.
- Increase confidence in responding to concerns that involve abuse allegations.
- Understand and apply the key concepts of evidence, its preservation, the process of decision making, resolution and recovery, and outcomes.
- Develop skills and knowledge to effectively contribute to and co-ordinate multi-agency response when working with allegations of abuse in respect of protection planning.
- Understand your role and how you contribute to the decision making meetings and actions assigned as a result.
- Explain and apply the principles, processes and practice skills involved in undertaking ongoing/further enquiries and preparing for the outcome meeting.
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills in interviewing.
- Proficiently plan and carry out an ongoing enquiry.
- Produce a written report for the outcome meeting.
- Identify personal and organisational barriers to effective practice.
- Develop an action plan to apply learning to professional practice.
The Facilitator for this course, Christina Fairhead, started nurse training in 1978 and since qualifying as a state registered nurse (SRN) has enjoyed a very varied and interesting career. Examples of some of these roles are; School Nursing, Health Visiting and Specialist Practice Nursing.
Christina was awarded the title ‘Queen’s Nurse’ (2019) for “Continued commitment to improving standards of care in the community and to learning and leadership.”
She is also a Safeguarding Trustee for a Public School in North Yorkshire.