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This conference focuses on improving adult safeguarding in line with the 2022 National Guidance – Revisiting Adult Safeguarding Practice which supports a locally delivered approach, setting out national expectations from the adult social work profession and the people and services who stand to benefit. The conference will focus on good practice principles and learn from where implementation has been successful in practice. Expert sessions will also revisit safeguarding under the Care Act, Safeguarding leadership including compassion and empathy, user involvement in safeguarding and ensuring service improvement.
“Safeguarding isn’t easy, but its effectiveness is its own reward if more lives can be saved and freed from the blight of abuse, neglect and organisational negligence. As practitioners, your empathy, compassion and experience have never been more needed.”
“Revisiting our practice is essential…We heard many stories from people with lived experience about how it feels when safeguarding responses go wrong, and how practice has become more about gate-keeping and process than people. Most of all, we saw wide variations of practice across the country, both through the data and, anecdotally, through people’s stories. If we are to truly get adult safeguarding right, it is vital local authorities and social workers apply safeguarding practice, as set out in the Care Act and its associated statutory guidance.”
“Although each person and their concern may be unique, it is important that good practice principles remain consistent as well as the application of our duties under the care act in adult safeguarding across the country”
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to improve adult safeguarding practice
- Understand the national context of your safeguarding practice: core principles
- Reflect on a lived experience perspective
- Implement the good practice principles outlined in the 2022 National Guidance ‘Revisiting Safeguarding Practice’
- Self assess your service against good practice principles
- Understand the legal context and revisit the principles of the Care Act
- Better involve people in adult safeguarding: user involvement and person centred care
- Develop your skills in Compassionate Leadership and Empathy in Adult Safeguarding
- Apply best practice safeguarding principles to Self Neglect and Hoarding
- Working with communities in adult safeguarding
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes