Adult Safeguarding: Delivering a Strengths-Based Approach

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“Good safeguarding practice acknowledges the complexity of people’s lives, the many enablers and barriers they may face to keeping them safe and well and most importantly, what they want to do about it. It can sometimes be a challenge for practitioners to balance a person’s priorities and aspirations for safety and wellbeing with their professional judgement of risks and the evidence they are presented with. Person-centred and strengths-based practice approaches are key to finding this balance.”

Revisiting Safeguarding Practice National Guidance January, 2022

“Safeguarding isn’t easy, but its effectiveness is its own reward if more lives can be saved and freed from the blight of abuse, neglect and organisational negligence. As practitioners, your empathy, compassion and experience have never been more needed.”

Gillian Keegan MP Minister of State for Care and Mental Health, 28th January 2022

“people are the experts of their own lives and it is our role to work alongside them to identify strengths-based and outcomes focused solutions - making safeguarding personal. We must work in a way that enhances individual involvement, choice and control as part of improving quality of life, wellbeing and safety….With the ongoing social impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic - known and yet to be known, we already know that safeguarding referrals are on the rise…With the backdrop of new and heightened challenges during the pandemic such as the creation of more closed cultures and hidden harms, it is more important than ever to be informed and committed to providing the best safeguarding practice for individuals.”

Lyn Romeo Chief Social Worker for Adults in England. 28th January 2022

“It is vital for safeguarding practitioners in local authorities to work effectively with their partners to prevent, investigate and resolve safeguarding concerns.”

Revisiting Safeguarding Practice National Guidance January 2022

“Continuous professional development in safeguarding practice is essential if we are to serve individuals, families, and communities well.”

Lyn Romeo Chief Social Worker for Adults January 2022

We are pleased to announce this National Safeguarding Adults Summit which will focus on Adult Safeguarding during Covid-19: delivering a strengths based approach, improving decision making, user involvement and outcomes. The conference aims to bring together adult safeguarding leads to understand current issues and the national context, and to debate and discuss key issues and areas you are facing in practice, developing a strengths based approach to adult safeguarding during the pandemic. 

This conference will enable you to:

  • Network with colleagues who are working to improve adult safeguarding practice
  • Understand the national context of your safeguarding practice during Covid-19
  • Reflect on the lived experience
  • Understand how you can develop and embed a strengths based approach to adult safeguarding
  • Ensure the learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) is used to identify systemic risk issues and improve practice, including the management of COVID-19 related Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) referrals
  • Learn from others to enable a user focused approach to adult safeguarding
  • Understand the use of complex safeguarding in adult practice
  • Learn from Adult Safeguarding and Domestic Violence 
  • Understand the benefits and challenges of Virtual Safeguarding Practice 
  • Ensure you deliver effective safeguarding practice in Self Neglect and Hoarding during Covid-19
  • Understand the legal context including implications of recent developments such as the move from DoLS to Liberty Protection Safeguards
  • Improve your skills in decision making in adult safeguarding: understanding mental capacity
  • Develop your skills in safeguarding investigation, undertaking a safeguarding enquiry and report writing
  • Self assess and reflect on your own practice
  • Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence

Speakers Include:

Mr Kenny Gibson

Head of Safeguarding
NHS England and NHS Improvement

Exhibition & Sponsorship Packages

This conference offers a valuable opportunity for industry suppliers to personally meet with their target audience where they will have time to talk and demonstrate the benefits of their products. High quality specialist audiences make having a presence at our events a highly targeted and cost effective marketing channel.

Why Exhibit?

Having a presence at this event will give you the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate your product, system or service
  • Network and engage with your key audience  
  • Generate new business leads
  • Gain exposure for your brand and raise the profile of your organisation
  • Understand the current needs of your audience and challenges they’re facing
  • Update your knowledge of national policy and local developments  


Contact Carolyn Goodbody for exhibition and sponsorship prices, or to discuss a tailored package to suit your needs and budget.

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