A Practical Guide to Serious Incident Investigation & Learning

This Conference is now Closed

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“We all make mistakes. We should strive to avoid them, of course, but the fact of a mistake isn’t the biggest problem. It’s how we respond to them and how we learn from them, that’s what’s most important. And we must never let our fear of the consequences, stop us from doing the right thing.”

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock February 2019

“We know there are problems, for example, with how incidents are investigated and learned from. In our recent engagement to find out how we can improve the Serious Incident framework, people told us they were concerned about: providers’ lack of capability and capacity to carry out good quality investigations; the tendency to use investigation for the wrong purposes; the generally poor approach to patient and family involvement; and the fact that actions to reduce risks after the completion of an investigation are too often ineffective. We know from the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC’s) review of how the NHS responds to and learns from the care provided to patients who die that too often problems with care are not identified and the bereaved, who may have concerns, are not sufficiently supported.”

NHS Improvement December 2018

This national conference looks at the practicalities of Serious Incident Investigation and Learning. The event will look at the forthcoming Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (previously know as the Serious Incident Framework) the scope of which was announced in July 2019, and the implications for serious incident investigation. The conference will update delegates on the National Learning from Deaths guidance and implementation in practice. There will be a focus on learning from serious incidents, ensuring the investigation findings lead to change and improvement.

This conference will enable you to:

  • Network with colleagues who are working to improve the investigation of serious incidents
  • Learn from outstanding practice in the development of serious incident investigation and mortality review
  • Reflect on the perspectives of bereaved families and carers and understand how you can engage them and recognise their insights as a vital source of learning in line with the National Guidance
  • Update your knowledge with national developments including the July 2019 Patient Safety Incident Response Framework
  • Reflect on the development of mortality governance within your organization
  • Understand how to work with staff to ensure a focus on learning and continuous improvement
  • Develop your skills in Serious Incident Investigation: applying the serious incident framework and using skilled analysis to move the focus of investigation from acts or omissions of staff, to identifying the underlying causes of the incident
  • Identify key strategies for improving investigation of serious incidents
  • Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence

Chair and Speakers Include:

Dr Sanjay Arya

Consultant Cardiologist / Medical Director
Wrightington Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust

Mr Neil Pearce

Associate Medical Director for Patient Safety
Southampton Univeristy Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Mr Khosrow Sehat

Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon
Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact katym@hc-uk.org.uk with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

Exhibition & Sponsorship Packages

This conference offers a valuable opportunity for industry suppliers to personally meet with their target audience where they will have time to talk and demonstrate the benefits of their products. High quality specialist audiences make having a presence at our events a highly targeted and cost effective marketing channel.

Why Exhibit?

Having a presence at this event will give you the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate your product, system or service
  • Network and engage with your key audience  
  • Generate new business leads
  • Gain exposure for your brand and raise the profile of your organisation
  • Understand the current needs of your audience and challenges they’re facing
  • Update your knowledge of national policy and local developments  


Contact Carolyn Goodbody for exhibition and sponsorship prices, or to discuss a tailored package to suit your needs and budget.

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